Standard Aeropress Recipe
1 AeroPress
1 Aeropress
Mark as brewed
There is also an easy learning curve to brew with the AeroPress. It’s fun and doesn’t take a lot of skill. Lastly, the AeroPress produces a bright, crisp, and fruity cup of coffee, so using a blend may not be the best coffee to brew with this device.
Heat water to 93-95 degrees Celsius. At the same time, grind 18 grams of coffee to a texture about as coarse as kosher salt..
Place AeroPress filter into the cap before screwing it into the bottom tube. Then, place that tube on top of the vessel you will dispense the coffee into (most of the time, it can be the mug you’re going to drink out of).
Pour coffee into the bottom tube. The AeroPress comes with a funnel that you can place on top so that you don’t miss the narrow tube while you do this.
Pour 30-50 grams of water into the AeroPress and gently stir with the stirring stick provided. This helps bloom and agitate the coffee. Then, pour the remaining amount of water (150 grams) into the bottom tube.
Sit and hang out for 1-2 minutes while coffee is sitting in the brewer. Once 2:30 has passed (this part is customizable), take the top of the tube and place it on top, suction side down. Gently press down until all the water has filtered through the coffee.
To dispose of coffee, simply unscrew the cap and press the rest of the tube through the bottom over a trash bin.
I have to press really hard on the AeroPress to filter the water.
Your grind size is probably too fine, which will “over-pressurize” the interior. Try to coarsen the coffee.
It tastes really watery.
Your grind size is too coarse. Make the grinds finer in order to extract more flavor from the coffee.
Some water is dripping out the bottom before I press.
It is natural for this to happen, but if quite a bit is dripping out then you may want to make the grind finer for this situation as well. You can also try the inverted method to avoid any dripping.
It tastes way too sour.
It may be over-extracted, meaning you made the grind too fine or you let the coffee sit and brew for too long. Play around with your recipe and try filtering earlier than the recommended time. The AeroPress is extremely customizable in brew times and amounts of coffee.