Nick Baskett
Coffee consumer
3 years
depending on the beans you buy, e.g. some arabica variety, you may also have naturally more acidity. You might find a blend with high quality robusta (if you can find it) to be less acidic. My favourite blends for filter coffee include some quality robusta with liberica, which makes it sweet as well as full bodied, but not bitter. Then experiment with the way you prepare and brew it to reduce the acidity further.
Cassy Mclean
Coffee consumer
3 years
Good pieces of advice, I also can recommend you to take omeprazole , it can reduce acidity
Anna Nordström
Coffee experts@Löfbergs
3 years
To reduce the acidity I would recommend you to use a brew method with paper filter. A finer grind also tend to reduce the percieved acidity.
Chandra Melo
Coffee experts@The Coffee Lab
3 years
There are a few things you can do to reduce the acidity in your coffee without switching to a dark roast! First, try brewing with softer water. This will help to extract fewer acids from the coffee beans. You can also add a pinch of salt to your coffee grounds before brewing, which will help to neutralize some of the acids. Finally, try brewing your coffee using a method that doesn't require as much heat, such as cold brew. By using less heat, you'll be able to extract fewer acids from the beans. I hope that you enjoy and let me know if that work for you :)
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