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5 ways to use a cold-brew concentrate
The most versatile and flavorful concentrate is the extremely smooth cold brew, what else can you make with it? Read on to find out.
While it may take longer to brew, the concentrate itself is mild and void of the acidity or bitterness that you may find in hot coffee. The best part is, this concentrate can be stored in the fridge for quite some time. The cold-brew concentrate is great by itself, with chilled milk, or when mixed into other drinks.
So, you find yourself with some leftover cold brew concentrate, and you're not in the mood for the usual cold brew. If you're wondering what kinds of deciduous concoctions you can make, here are some ideas:
1. Hot coffee
That's right! If you're in the mood for a latte or a cappuccino or just something hot, you can still make one if you have some cold brew concentrate leftover. Why not?
Simply take a few ounces of the concentrate and mix it with boiling hot water. This will heat up the cold brew and make it ideal for a warm cup of coffee. I would recommend not heating up the concentrate itself, instead just making use of almost boiling water and a strong concentrate so your coffee isn't watered down.
It's actually super convenient, all you have to do is mix hot water/milk of your choice, and a hot cup of joe is all ready to go! Even quicker than brewing some hot coffee from scratch. The flavors might be a bit different, not the usual hot cup you're used to. Again, this is due to the reduced acid levels; hence, the coffee may not have a "punch", but it'll be really smooth.
2. Cold-brew soda
Now, this is a perfect drink for brunch or a hot summer day. Sometimes an iced coffee doesn't cut it; well, let's add some bubbles to it then! I present to you a nice, fizzy, and refreshing cold-brew soda.
All you would need is some cold brew concentrate, soda water, a little sweet syrup of your choice, and some ice. All you have to do next is mix it up!
Now you can customize and add things to this concoction as per your preference. I recommend mint leaves or some lemon juice. I assure you the citrusy tang will take your taste buds for a spin. Or you could be even bolder and add some cream and fruit to it. Peaches and cream are other great choices.
3. Mocktail
Now that we're shaking things up a bit, let's make it more fun. Because the cold brew concentrate tastes that delicious, you can make a nice smooth mocktail by choosing a myriad of ingredients. I'm talking raspberry ganache, chocolate, or even mango juice. Sounds yummy right? You'll find many of these in a nearby Starbucks, so why not make one yourself? Here's a simple one to get started with. All you'll need is:
- Some cold brew concentrate
- Lemon juice
- Syrup or sugar
- Ice
- Lemon to garnish
- Mint
Mix it all up, add some pineapple juice if you like, and enjoy!
4. Cocktails
Fun to drink and fun to make, making cocktails is truly a delight. You may have heard of the espresso martini and Irish coffee or the coffee liqueur known as Kahlua. As delicious as they are, almost every cocktail can have a coffee version.
Here's a simple one you might enjoy. Ingredients you'll need:
- Cold-brew concentrate
- Spirit of your choice
- Ice
- some syrup
- Apple juice
Mix it all up, and you've got yourself an amazing little cocktail ready to go. Whether it's for a party or a well-deserved treat, sip away.
5. Cake and pastries
Ok, let's get into something you make to eat, with cold brew concentrate. Heard of coffee cakes and tiramisu? Yup, you can make desserts with some simple instructions. All you have to do is pour some coffee concentrate into your cake mix, and voila! You've got some decadent coffee cake.
Personally, I love some coffee and chocolate cake with nuts.
Bonus item: Coffee ice cream. Take some cream, sugar, coffee concentrate and mix it up. Freeze and enjoy coffee ice cream. PS, it'll go great with the coffee cake. Enjoy!
About the author
I like coffee and I like writing, reading, and traveling, all with a cup of coffee in my hand. My recommendation? Brew some coffee (nutty flavors preferred), make it strong, add a little cinnamon and brown sugar, and a touch of soy milk, you've got happiness in a cup! Best served chilled :)