2 Ways Brew Aeropress Coffee For Two
Mark as brewed
There are two main options for making coffee for two. You can use a normal style assembly and pour over extra water, or you can use AeroPress inverted assemble, and further dilute your coffee if you need to.
We will explain both methods!
AeroPress Coffee Instructions
- Boil 550ml of water and leave to cool to 175°
- Insert a paper filter into the cap and rinse slightly to remove papery taste and create a seal
- Screw the cap onto the main chamber
- Carefully place the chamber onto the top of a large mug or tall jug, with the cap pointing into the mug
- Pour around 70ml of boiled water onto your coffee grounds, stir carefully to make sure the grounds are saturated, and then rest for 30 seconds
- Start to slowly pour more water into the chamber, some will start to slowly drip into your mug
- Once you’ve poured in around 200ml of water stop and use the AeroPress paddle to stir for 10 seconds before continuing to slowly pour in water
- Coffee will continue dripping into the mug, giving you space to add all 550ml
- Once you’ve run out of water insert the plunger and start to very slowly depress
- Stop once you hear the hissing which signifies the AeroPress is empty, then remove it from your mug
- Separate the coffee into two cups or mugs and enjoy!
Aeropress Inverted Method
(In the steps)
What is the Best Coffee for AeroPress?
For either the normal or AeroPress recipe inverted you can use any kind of coffee that you like, but make sure it’s very finely ground. If you are grinding your own, it should be finer than sand.
Johan Hedlund
The Coffee Lab
@ Karlstad, Sweden
Boil 500ml of water and leave to cool to around 175°.
Add a paper filter to the AeroPress cap and wet it slightly and set to one side.
Put the plunger into the main chamber so that the solid end of the plunger is in the center, creating a seal, and the open ends are at the top and bottom of the AeroPress with the opening of the main chamber pointing up and the plunger at the bottom.
Add the coffee grounds to the top.
Pour in around 50 ml of water and stir gently to wet the grounds completely.
Add as much water as you can, leaving a little room to stir safely.
Stir with the provided paddle for 15 seconds.
Add more water, filling to the very top, and leave to rest for 2 minutes.
Screw the cap with the filter to the top.
Flip the AeroPress over so that the top with the cap is sitting on the top of your mug.
Carefully push down the plunger, until half of the coffee is in the first mug.
Lift, place the AeroPress on your second mug and depress the plunger until the Aeropress is empty.
If needed, top your mugs up with more water and stir well.
About the author
I´m living in Karlstad, Sweden with my family. Been working the last 25 years with several start ups in the tech industry. Coffee has been an integral part, both professionally and privately. Eager to learn new things and happy to be a member of the era of we community.