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Kaffes historiske indvirkning på skove

Udforsk kaffens fængslende rejse fra etiopiske myter til europæisk tiltrækning. Dyk ned i dens dybtgående indvirkning på skove, og bland historie og bæredygtighed. Sip bevidst, mens vi optrævler den indviklede fortælling om vores elskede brygs miljømæssige fodaftryk og industriens fremskridt mod en grønnere fremtid.

Chandra Melo
Kaffeeksperter@The Coffee Lab

Om forfatteren

Chandra Melo

Marketing as job, barista as passion. An authentic coffee lover, looking for the next fantastic cup of coffee that I will fall in love with. Coffee, for me, is more than a beverage. It's about community and connection - how can all the world consume the same fruit? And differently? How can we have so many different tastes? I also don't know. And because of this, I feel in love each day more for this world. Happy to share and make a change in the coffee community.

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