Hacienda San Ignacio

Who we are

Hacienda San Ignacio was founded in 2009, in that time the farm had traditional varieties such as; caturra and catuaí, facing challenges like many other farms of the region, the main objective was and has become achieve good production in a sustainable way that ensure have a coffee farm prepared for the future, using new varieties and hybrids and investment on research and technology. The passion and happiness Hacienda San Ignacio feel around coffee has generated many projects and initiatives that nowadays allow offering a great coffee, with a special background in each bag.

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Forest protection program

For 7 years, the farm has been part of the forest protection program of FONAFIFO-MINAE and is used for research into best agronomic farming practices.

Total farm area

Total farm area

900 hectares



1100-1400 m

Harvest Period

Harvest Period

Dec to Feb

Total no of trees

Total no of trees


Contact the estate

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Sustainability story

Hacienda San Ignacio is a model for how coffee production can be done in a different way, causing impact through the use of new varieties, techniques, and management systems.

A partnership to revolutionize the coffee industry.

We have collaborated with Era of We to create a sustainable and transparent supply chain which benefits all.

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